Graham Rowan has tagged himself as the “Renegade Investor”. Hence he’s bagged the Youtube Channel Renegade Investor TV. His episodes focus on extraordinary investments you won’t find on the high street. The average 4 minutes in length and his style of presenting really demonstrates his knowledge in his field. We’ve been working together since April 2013 and we’re really starting to see the fruits of our labour since the start of 2014…
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It’s important to mention that these results do not come quickly (unless you get really lucky), they are the product of many hours of fine tuning each episode to maximise it’s effectiveness with their target audience.

What also takes time is getting enough videos on your channel so it looks like the ultimate source of content for your viewers. Graham’s now on his 50th episode which means he’s at a stage where his wealth of content is more than enough to keep his viewers entertained (and informed) for hours.

You can check out Graham’s “Renegade Investor TV” channel by clicking here.